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Vitamin B3 (niacin)
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  • The vitamins information pages - Vitamin B3 (niacin)

    Description Vitamin B3

    Vitamin B3, generally referred to as niacin, is a water-soluble vitamin. This vitamin can generally be found in two distinctive forms, namely nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. These substances are used by the body to form the coenzymes NAD and NADP. Niacin coenzymes degrade carbohydrates, fats, proteins and alcohols and synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol. They play a role in cell signaling.

    Functions Vitamin B3

    Niacin assists functions of the nervous and digestive system. It plays a role in food metabolism and in the formation of red blood cells and skin. NAD and NADP are coenzymes that are part of the energy production system of the body. This system works by means of oxidation and reduction (redox) reactions. Niacin deficiency occurrence causes many symptoms, such as fatigue, headaches, dry skin, loss of appetite, ulcers and emotional instability. On rare occasions (mainly in developing countries) people may experience severe deficiency, which leads to a condition known as pellagra. This conditions is commonly characterized by the 4 D's: dermatitis, diarrhoea, dementia and death. Pellagra literally means raw skin. The conditions was named this because the skin of a patient develops a dark pigmented rash on areas exposed to bright sunlight.

    Vitamin B3 in food

    Niacin is part of a range of foods, for example meat, fish, bread, yeast, nuts, seeds, soy beans, potatoes, dried fruit, tomatoes and peas. Milk, green-leaved vegeatbles and coffe and tea also provide some niacin. Cereals may be fortified with niacin. Some foods, such as corn, may release niacin upon cooking. Before cooking corn only contains bound, unavailable niacin.

    Vitamin B3 as a supplement

    Niacin is recommended for dizziness, Post Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and arthritis. It is a useful preparation for burn treatment. Niacin can also be useful for alcohol addicts and people with high cholesterol, mental problems, severe stress problems or hyperthyroid, for athletes and for elderly people. Niacin is suspected to decrease the possibility of introduction of certain types of cancer such as leukaemia, as a result of increase levels of DNA-repairing coenzymes (NAD). People suffering from HIV may be given extra niacin to postpone symptoms and elongate their life.


    Antituberculaosis drugs such as isoniazid may result in niacin deficiencies. Women that take oestrogen contraceptives have a larger requirement for niacin resulting from increased niacin synthesis in their bodies.


    Pregnant or breastfeeding women can only take niacin under supervision. Children under age 12 and people suffering from kidney disease are not recommended to take niacin. One should not take more than 150 mg of niacin, because this leads to facial flushing. Very large intakes (>3000 mg) may cause liver damage. People with liver disease or diabetes are more susceptible to problems caused by niacin over dose.


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